For Disney Channel fans, his name wouldn't be in the "who's that" section. And I am one big fan from cartoons to original shows and movies.
Jason Earles stars in a DC original series Hannah Montana, playing Miley Cyrus' older brother Jackson Stewart. In the series he plays half his age 16-17, when he's real age is about 30. I first saw this in youtube video comments and could hardly believe it. He looks young! So I had to search for articles about him and almost all of them contained him being old. XD
An old article dated 2007 from USA today talks about Miley and her dad, also mentioning other casts from the series.
Says Hannah co-star Jason Earles, 29, who plays Miley's big brother, Jackson: "Miley really did come out of nowhere and suddenly become this sensation.
With that and a lot of other sites, I was convinced he really is.. old. XD
And he's married too. o_O
Here are some facts about him from IMDB:
He is a trained equestrian rider.
He likes to play video games in his spare time.
He says that the school subjects he liked the most were science and math.
Anyways, it doesn't matter if he's 15 or 30, as long as he plays his part well. I always find him funny. XD